Why You Need To Add Email Marketing And Newsletters To Your Business

The modern day companies implement email marketing in their business strategies. With email marketing, you can create a communication channel with your customers and send them your upcoming offers and advertisements. This can be a very effective form of marketing if you employ a few email marketing strategies. What is email marketing? Email marketing is […]

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What You Need To Know About Data Management As A Service (DMaaS)

Data is the fuel that powers a business. From business intelligence, to data warehouses and data lakes, data is critical to the success of any business. But, the current methods of collecting, analyzing and storing this data are expensive, time consuming and often unmanageable. This blog will look at Data Management as a Service, also

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Why Should I Hire A Digital Marketing Agency Over A Freelancer

When it comes to digital marketing, many business owners are confused on whether they should hire a professional marketing agency or a freelancer. In this blog, we’ll be looking into the benefits of hiring a digital marketing agency over a freelancer. How digital marketing agencies can help your business succeed in the digital age? Digital

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Retargeting vs Brand Awareness And Audience Growth

Retargeting – benefits, advantages, and disadvantages Retargeting is a form of online advertising that allows businesses to keep their products and services in front of previously interested customers. Retargeting works by placing a piece of code on your website that drops an anonymous cookie on the computer of anyone who visits. Once that customer visits

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